Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Oreo Ice cream | How to make Oreo Ice Cream | Medley-Of-Flavours

Oreo Ice Cream

  • 120g Oreo Biscuits
  • 1 Cup whipping Cream(sweetened)
  • Crush Oreo biscuits in to small crumbs using a rolling pin.
  • In a bowl, add whipping cream.
  • Using a hand whisk whip the cream until it gets stiff peaks.
  • Add crushed Oreo biscuits into the whipped cream.
  • Mix whip cream with the crumbs in cut and fold method.
  • Transfer the mixture into a air tight container.
  • Freeze the container for 6 hours or over night.
Note: Add 1/2 cup condensed milk if you are using unsweetened whip cream.

Preparation Time: 15 mins
Setting Time: 6 hours

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