Saturday, September 19, 2020

Dulce De Leche | How to make Dulce De Leche | Medley-Of-Flavours



  • 400g condensed milk/ 1 tin milkmaid
  • Water
  • Fill a deep pan with water.
  • Take a closed tin of condensed milk. Immerse the condensed milk tin into the pan.
  • Make sure the tin is completely covered in water.
  • Start heating the water on medium flame.
  • Close the pan with a lid and let it boil for 2 and a half hours to three hours.
  • Keep checking if the water level is above the condensed milk tin.
  • Add some water if the water level becomes low. Else there are chances that the tin might explode.
  • After 2 and half hours switch if the flame.
  • Let the water and tin cool down completely.
  • Here you go. Easy homemade Dulce de Leche is ready to dig in.
Cooking time: 150 mins
Cooking time: over night

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